At Belvedere International Nursery (BIN) ,we aim to provide children with a warm and happy environment, providing optimum conditions for the natural development of children emotionally, socially and academically. It is important to allow the children to have freedom within their environment so as to aid their spontaneous and natural development. We encourage the children to be themselves and to respect others and all that is around them. By stimulating their curiosity and helping them to discover the answers to their own questions children are motivated to learn.

Choosing a preschool for your child is not an easy task. My staff and I understand and value the importance of the pre-school years and are dedicated to ensuring that each child in our care receives the best experience while at our nursery. I am incredibly proud of all the children and staff here at BIN, and I would be delighted to show you our wonderful nursery and assist you with a tailored learning experience. We hope that by working in partnership with you. We will provide your child with a firm foundation for future learning and discovery.


Our mission is to ensure our children gain knowledge, skills and attributes needed for life in the 21 st century through play-based activities and discovery.

Our prime mission is to create confident, independent and motivated children who display tolerance and understanding of the world around them, through a curriculum that enables them to become critical thinkers as well as embedding UAE identity, culture and heritage.

To transform the lives of the children and families we work with, through creating a nursery which feels like home that enhances the academic, physical, emotional. social and creative development of individual children through play- based activities and discovery, where children want to come and find learning is fun.


At Belvedere International Nursery, our main aim is for all children attending our setting to feel safe, happy and secure within our nursery environment.

We aim for children to:

  • Build confidence and self-esteem
  • Lead children to the joy of learning and self-discovery
  • Have freedom of movement during the learning activities
  • Be observed as individuals to help them find their own potential
  • Learn respect and empathy towards others
  • Build independence
  • Grow and flourish in a rich and varied learning environment (both inside and outside)
  • Take risks and enjoy challenges
  • Progress and thrive
  • Learn life skills for later in life


  • Education Excellence and Continuous Improvement.
  • Integrity, Fairness and Quality above all.
  • Standardised teaching and Active Brain Based learning


A place to learn, develop and grow “Happy Healthy children” who have the confidence to reach the stars.


EYFS and Education Philosophy

What is EYFS?

Belvedere International Nursery follows the internationally recognised and standardised British Early Years Foundation Stage birth to 5 years curriculum.

For each age group a set of structured benchmarks related to the early learning goals (strands) for every area of learning (subject) are used to assess your child in order to drive their learning experience each week. Children are assessed against these age and stage appropriate benchmarks throughout their time at BIN order to provide individual tracking of their progress and attainment.

“The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) sets the standards that all early years’ providers must meet to ensure that children learn and develop well and are kept healthy and safe. It promotes teaching and learning to ensure children’s ‘school readiness’ and gives children the broad range of knowledge and skills that provide the right foundation for good future progress through school and life.”

UK Department of Education, Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage, Setting the Standards for learning development and care for children from birth to five .

Topic based learning designed to excite each age group additionally supports inquiry moving your child from potential understanding to actual knowledge.

Why choose the British EYFS curriculum in UAE?

  1. Helps supply the country’s human capital of the future – the next generation’s workforce.
  2. Helps social reconstruction – creating and shaping the experiences of the young to help improve their habits and therefore form a better future generation.
  3. Supports cultural reproduction – transmitting cultural values from generation to generation.
  4. Promotes cultural diversity – learning to live together peacefully as one human group on one planet with limited resources we all have to protect and share.
  5. Promotes self-actualisation – helps the youth of today realise their own potential by providing multiple experiences to support their brain growth and holistic development.

We at BIN take all these points to heart. We strive to produce the best learning environment to stimulate and excite the leader in all our children in superb, state of the art facilities. Visit our Nursery today to see what makes us a leader in education.

Prime Areas of Learning

The three prime areas help children to develop, learn and become ready for school.

  1. Personal, social and emotional development
    This area of learning focuses on making relationships, self-confidence and self-awareness, managing feelings and behaviour. The benchmarks cover learning independence, working in a group, cooperation, personal hygiene, self-esteem, social skills and being able to concentrate on a task.
  2. Physical development
    This area of learning emphasises moving and handling, health and self-care. The benchmarks cover active and interactive opportunities, fine and gross motor skills including balance, control, movement and coordination, loco motor and non-loco motor skills, games, drama and dance in relation to a healthy balanced lifestyle
  3. Communication and language
    This area of learning concentrates on listening and attention, understanding and speaking. The benchmarks cover expressing oneself through speaking and covers group work, building vocabulary and use of grammar. Everything the children do at BIN supports language and communication. Besides English, language and communication classes in both French and Arabic support our multicultural school group. Additionally, The four specific areas of learning and development support the characteristics of effective learning – playing and exploring, active learning, creating and thinking critically.

This area of learning focuses on reading and writing. The benchmarks include encouraging children to link sounds and letters and to begin to read and write. Children have access to a wide range of reading materials (books, poems etc) to ignite their interest. The following structures are used to support literacy at BIN:

a. Phonics system: We use the Jolly Phonics (JP) system to teach phonemes and graphemes. JP has proven to be one of the best systems when learning more than one language because it combines all three learning styles – auditory, visual and kinaesthetic.

b. Reading program: We use onset and rime, CVCs, blends and sight words to complement the Oxford Reading Tree and other internationally respected reading scheme.

c. Numerous websites and apps designed to support early literacy.
d. Reading stories from the library and listening to teachers reading with props and showing comprehension of the story.
e. Listening to and understanding stories, songs and rhymes
f. Participating in dramatic plays with reading props.
g. Emergent writing techniques.
h. Artefact boxes and labeling.

  1. Mathematics
    This area of learning covers numbers, shape, space and measures. The benchmarks focus on problem solving and creative thinking combined with real life experiences to support mathematical knowledge and understanding. Children sort, order, match, compare and contrast, use addition and subtraction, understand time, count, learn about shapes and colour and discover weight, length and volume.
  2. Understanding the world
    This area of learning focuses on people and communities, the world and technology. The benchmarks cover the physical world and the community through opportunities to explore, observe and discover science, health and safety, ecology and the environment, nature, social studies, people, places and IT helping children understand and appreciate the world in which they live.
  3. Expressive arts and design
    This area of learning centers on exploring and using media and material and being imaginative. The benchmarks enable children to explore a range of media and material, texture and colour, as well as providing opportunities and encouragement for sharing their thoughts and ideas through a variety of activities in art, music and movement, drama, dance, role-play, through producing models and design.


  • Learning is accelerated when a parent / family / guardian is involved in their child’s learning
  • School is one part of the lifelong learning process,
  • Learning is enriched through multiple experiences including an enriched curriculum, regular field trips, special days, cooperative learning experiences and use of technology
  • The child’s learning style needs to be taken into account and teaching is aimed at the child’s individual needs
  • Small group learning should occur allowing one to one contact and extension support and assistance programs
  • Learning is improved when it is related to the child’s life experiences
  • Learning is enhanced when the community supports learning

Nursery Staff

Staff NamePositionEmail ID
Ms. Nedra SaidaniNursery
Ms. Harriet TibitibiNursery
Ms. Naila MustafaNursery
Ms. Christy-Leigh CoetzeNursery
Ms. Carmen AlintanahinNursery Supervisor (2 - 3)
Ms. Melanie SalumbidesNursery Supervisor (2-3)
Ms. Amina Bibi MoosaNursery Supervisor - FS1
Ms. Irene EcirNursery Supervisor
Ms. Ahlam Abu Zaid Nursery Supervisor - Arabic/ Islamic
Ms. Juliet LumantasNursery Supervisor
Ms. Maydenn ManuelNursery Supervisor
Ms. Amor RosarioNursery Supervisor Assistant (2-3)
Ms. Apple Jean TubeiraNursery Supervisor Assistant -
Ms. Dilani TharupamaNursery Supervisor Assistant (2-3)
Ms. Jona Catherine SerranoNursery Supervisor Assistant (2-3)