Our Vision and Mission statement recognizes our desire to nurture confident, well-rounded, tolerant and forward-thinking individuals with ambitions to fulfill their potential in an innovative, open, creative and inclusive society.

Alongside this we wish to foster a caring environment and a family atmosphere leading to personal student happiness and good relationships between all members of the school community, including parents, as part of UAE society.

Children in playground with teacher

In our overview we state our need to have involvement with each and every student as an individual as this is a guiding principle at Belvedere International School whilst supporting each child in reaching their full potential; while engendering independent learners and caring international citizens.

What we, as, Belvedere International School also want to offer is a way to develop and celebrate leadership, practical skills and teamwork as well as offering exceptional pastoral care to ensure our pupils succeed because they are happy and valued and ensure a community spirit and for each pupil to have a sense of belonging among peers and surroundings.

In the Pre Prep pastoral care is concerned with the personal, social and emotional needs of children. For the young children at Belvedere International School Pre Prep, pastoral care is interwoven into their daily school life.

Teachers support the learning, behaviour and welfare of the children at every stage of their development, from saying goodbye to parents on the first day of school, to making lasting friendships through social interactions.

The Head of Pre Prep has overall responsibility for pastoral matters in the Pre Prep and teachers provide day-to-day pastoral care and liaise closely with parents and other staff on a daily basis.

Care of the pupils is one of the most important aspects of life at Belvedere. Staff will always put the care of pupils first whenever they are at school or outside, assessing and risks and creating a safe environment for pupils to learn and play.

To enable pupils to flourish our aim is to understand the needs of every pupil and tailor their day to foster and challenge them. All pastoral matters are overseen by the Principal, the Head of Prep and Senior with Class Teachers and Form Tutors providing day to day pastoral care and wellbeing.

We have a full time Social Worker at Belvedere. The Social Worker promotes the development of personal, emotional and social skills relevant to specific age groups. They also conduct individual and group counselling sessions on topics such as friendship, anxiety, parental divorce, anger and behaviour management.   

Email: You can communicate directly with a Class Teacher or a Form Tutor within the school via email.

All BIS emails follow the format: firstname@belvedereinternationalschool.com where this is the staff member’s forename.

You can check out our community in action on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. Photos, videos, links and news are posted daily.

Visit our social media channels regularly to see the successes being celebrated at Belvedere International School on a daily basis.

A key feature of Belvedere International School’s co-curricular offering will be our Student Leadership Programme. This has the potential to be a hugely successful programme, focussed on nurturing leadership, practical skills and teamwork. These skills and character traits will be honed through carefully designed indoor and outdoor activities.

Pupils from all year groups will take part in the programme and will build up the activities and new skills learnt as they get older. This will go from classroom activities and clubs that embed values and challenges within the curriculum.

There is a Head Boy and Head Girl and a Prefect team in the Senior School.

There are House Captains and Vice Captains in the Senior School.

There is also a Head Boy and Head Girl, and a Prefect team in the Prep School.

There are Class Captains and Vice Captains in the Prep School.

School assemblies are held every weekday morning. On Sunday and Thursday there are assemblies from the Principal. Every Monday, there are separate Pre Prep, Prep and Senior School assemblies led by the Head of Pre Prep, Head of Prep and Vice Principal respectively. On Tuesday and Wednesday there are Whole School Assemblies taken by the members of school staff on a rota basis, and House Assemblies are also held three times a term. 

Our House system is built upon healthy competition in which everyone can contribute. This can include academic and behaviour efforts and achievements, competitive termly sport, music and many other competitions. The ‘battle’ is for the pride of the House Cup!

There are four Houses:

  • Eagles
  • Falcons
  • Horses
  • Leopards

Siblings are housed together and a House is allocated for the duration of a pupil’s time at Belvedere.

There is a strong House tradition and allegiance at Belvedere. Houses provide a framework for internal competitions.

All pupils and staff belong to one of the four houses in the school. Staff are encouraged to award house points to pupils in recognition of good quality work, good effort, good conduct, showing initiative, helpfulness etc. Staff record house points on the House Point Calculator and pass them on to the Principal who collates overall scores. House Points are displayed in each form room on a chart, and a weekly announcement will be made in Thursday’s Assembly to see who has won each week.